Our Mission.

The Mission at Infinite Abilities & Supports is to provide individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities the opportunity to meaningfully participate in and contribute to their community while providing each individual with a family-type atmosphere. We hold paramount the uniqueness of each individual we serve and strive to respond to the distinct needs of each person. We will work diligently to impart the knowledge and skills necessary to promote independence, personal growth, and development. We are devoted to providing the highest quality of care with the utmost level of professionalism to each individual we support and serve. With Infinite Abilities, it’s possible to become anchored in community!


Our Vision

Our vision at Infinite Abilities & Supports is to improve the lives of each individual and family we serve by providing the supports necessary for individuals to fully integrate into community life and achieve the highest level of independence possible. We envision a community where individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities are considered valued and respected participating members of the community. We consider it a top priority to educate the larger community about the core principles and values of mutual respect, dignity, and inclusion to promote our vision.


Our Goal

Our goal at Infinite Abilities & Supports is to provide community integration in all domains of the lives of the individuals we support and serve. We are dedicated to maintaining a person-centered approach by securing comprehensive services for individuals that are tailored to their specific needs. In pursuit of this goal, we will maintain the highest quality supports and services by employing staff who share our passion, mission, and vision and are dedicated to serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.


Our Mission.

The Mission at Infinite Abilities & Supports is to provide individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities the opportunity to meaningfully participate in and contribute to their community while providing each individual with a family-type atmosphere. We hold paramount the uniqueness of each individual we serve and strive to respond to the distinct needs of each person. We will work diligently to impart the knowledge and skills necessary to promote independence, personal growth, and development. We are devoted to providing the highest quality of care with the utmost level of professionalism to each individual we support and serve.


Our Vision.

Our vision at Infinite Abilities & Supports is to improve the lives of each individual and family we serve by providing the supports necessary for individuals to fully integrate into community life and achieve the highest level of independence possible. We envision a community where individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities are considered valued and respected participating members of the community. We consider it a top priority to educate the larger community about the core principles and values of mutual respect, dignity, and inclusion to promote our vision.


Our Goal.

Our goal at Infinite Abilities & Supports is to provide community integration in all domains of the lives of the individuals we support and serve. We are dedicated to maintaining a person-centered approach by securing comprehensive services for individuals that are tailored to their specific needs. In pursuit of this goal, we will maintain the highest quality supports and services by employing staff who share our passion, mission, and vision and are dedicated to serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.


Anchored in Community